Seems like everywhere you look on porn sites these days, from paid sites to tube sites alike the most popular videos and searches clearly show a trend, taboo porn is popular and is just increasing in popularity. I have some theories as to why in recent times this previously very taboo fetish is coming to light as one of the biggest.
Now let me be clear, all the taboo fetish porn that myself and my creator friends produce is all fantasy role play. None of our stuff is “real” but that doesn’t stop our content from being amazing! I truly enjoy creating tons of taboo fetish content and release new ones each week.. my very favourite one in recent memory is the still image you see above, a taboo and blasphemy clip in one! My brother turns me from a good christian girl into a blasphemous slut!
One of the main reasons I feel like taboo porn is becoming so increasingly popular is because in (most places anyways *cough* USA *cough*) people are becoming a lot more sex-positive. Porn sites and cam sites are growing by the day, new performers and members joining this crazy kink community everyday. With this wave of the future and sex positivity, more previously unexplored fetishes can come to be explored through fantasy play like I myself love to perform.
Another thing I think that makes it so popular is it is literally taboo! Duh, obviously, but what I mean by this is people get so excited to explore things like this because it’s seen as “out there” and “naughty” to some people.. and getting to dive into the most forbidden of fruit is really so exciting isn’t it?
Moving forward I think this fetish will only be dived into deeper and become more mainstream and popular. One of my most favorite categories to be creative in and I can’t wait to keep exploring!